
Welcome to our class blog. We are a class of 8 students learning English at Upper-Intermediete level. We've decided to reach out to the world and learn by sharing and collaborating with students from all over the globe! We'll be posting some of our work for our friends to comment on. Join us!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Breaking News by eye-witnesses!

We watched this Breaking News video, which gave an eye-witness account of the accident that occurred a few years ago on Hudson River, New York. Thankfully, all 155 passengers and crew survived thanks to the pilot and the prompt response of rescue teams.

This is what we think of the lesson:
Nadina: When something happens all over the world there are usually lots of amateur photographers who capture the moment of the accident. Then they try to inform the media and the media present newsworthy events as Breaking News.
Debbie: Today we learnt about a dramatic plane crash which took place in NY on 15 January 2009. The event was captured by citizens who were eye-witnesses to this accident. I found this information very interesting and useful!
Georgia-Maria: In this lesson I learnt that I need to underline when I find the answers in the text to make sure I'm right!
Christine: In this lesson I learnt about an event which occured in 2009 when an airplane crashed in the river and amateur photographers captured the event taking photos.
Georgia: In this lesson I learnt about a breath-taking event that happent on 15th January 2009.
George: I learnt that in 2009 an aeroplane crashed.
Theodore: I learnt about an important event which occured in 2009 and new vocabulary!
Glykeria: I learnt about the increasing contribution of amateur photographers who capture all important events and inform us with their  eye-witness photos.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Wishes, wishes....

Today we talked about "wishes". We realised what it means to wish for something real bad when we looked at this picture from the "favelas" or poor neighbourhoods in Brazil.

We imagined what we'd feel like if we were in their shoes and here's what we wished:
Gogo: I wish we had clean, drinkable water
Georgia: I wish I could go to school.
George: I wish the government woudn't ignore us.
Nadina: I wish 
Deppy: I wish I lived in a proper house insted of this slum.
Theo: I wish mum had cooked something for lunch.
Glykeria: I wish
Christine: If only

Then, we also came up with this shot from a school in that area, so we reckon they also have some kind of education. By looking at their smiling faces we also realised that contentment can come from simple things in life and that we should be grateful for what we have.